
Gavotte is a simple Baroque-style piece for beginning strings. This simple piece is designed to provide beginning string students with the opportunity to differentiate between crisp staccato and smooth legato bowings. It also provides an easy-to-navigate ritardando and a tempo. The simple ABA structure is a great introduction to rounded binary form. This structure also provides an opportunity to introduce students to the repeat sign and bow circles.

The Violin 1 part is the more challenging “Harmony part” and the Violin 2 part is the simpler “Melody part.” The printed violin part contains both versions on one page. The printed cello part contains both the cello “bass line” and the “melody.” This provides you with the opportunity to individually tailor the difficulty level to match your students. The Viola part contains an octave doubling of the Cello bass line in addition to the melody part (doubling the Violin 2).

**This product is only available as a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD**




Gavotte PDF Score, Parts, and Mp3 Audio Demo and Accompaniment Track

Composed by:
Dan & Heidi Goeller

Companion Products

Purchase a copy of the Mp3 Audio Demo

Video Performance

CLICK HERE to watch a concert performance of children ages 7-11 performing this piece after playing only 7 to 14 months.


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